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How do I Clean the Air Filter, Housing and Blade on my Washer Fan / Washer Fan Breeze?


The Washer Fan Team recommends inspection of the fan blade, housing and air filter after every 6 months of operation. The actual inspection and cleaning interval depends on the washer’s location.  If the washer is located in a dusty or humid area, such as a garage, your Washer Fan / Washer Fan Breeze will need cleaning more frequently than every 6 months.

How to inspect and clean your Washer Fan and its air filter: Unplug your Washer Fan from its power supply and remove it from the washer.  To remove the air filter for cleaning, slightly twist the air filter grill counter-clockwise until it clicks; the grill and air filter can then be lifted off.  

Clean the fan blade and housing with a small can of compressed air, similar to those used for cleaning a computer’s keyboard or cotton swabs (Q-Tips).  Clean the blade and housing by holding the middle of the blade unit so it doesn’t rotate; do not allow the compressed air to spin the blades. If you choose to use cotton swabs to clean the blade and housing, use dry cotton swabs to lift off any dust or lint that has accumulated.  Do not use any liquids, including water, to clean the housing and blade.

To clean the air filter, you may rinse it in water and let it air dry or it can also be cleaned with the can of compressed air.  Place the dry air filter in place on the Washer Fan's housing and set the air filter grill over it and twist slightly clockwise.  Plug your Washer Fan into its power supply and reinstall.

If you have any other questions regarding cleaning your Washer Fan, please Submit a Support Ticket and someone from our technical team will respond promptly.

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Article details
Article ID: 11
Category: Maintenance
Date added: 11-18-2013 14:23:34
Views: 2724
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.0/5.0 (51)

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